How It All Began
Plagued by severe acne and dry skin problems for as long as he can remember, American biochemist Dr. George Runnels was tired of suffering. Like many who are afflicted by undesirable skin conditions, Dr. Runnels’ complexion negatively impacted his self-esteem. Similar to today, skin care companies in the 1920’s would introduce new and ‘improved’ products year after year. Full of hope, Dr. Runnels would try them, but was only ever left with empty promises and a disappointing lack of results.
Determined to find a solution to his skin problems, Dr. Runnels studied the physiology and functions of human skin and discovered that skin needs a complete skin care program that addresses and balances the skin’s overall health and functions.
In 1932, after years of research and testing, he successfully developed a complete and comprehensive skin care system – Metrin Skincare. After Dr. Runnels started using Metrin many people noticed the remarkable improvement of his skin’s appearance, often asking him to share his skin care secret with them.
Helping People
During Metrin’s early years, a young woman named Macil Sumpter informally tested the products for Dr. Runnels. She was so impressed with the wonderful effects Metrin had on her skin that she eventually purchased the company over 40 years later! Remarkably, Macil started her Metrin business after retiring from many years of running a business together with her loving husband.
Macil saw Metrin as an opportunity to help people, and, defying her age, she did just that. Her easy charisma and charming personality appealed to individuals and media alike. Macil appeared on numerous TV programs in the 1980’s and 90’s to showcase and spread the word about the Metrin Skincare, helping thousands of people achieve and enjoy healthy, youthful, beautiful, glowing skin.
Even though she was well into her nineties until her passing in 1994, Macil was the face of Metrin. The truth of her age always provided a humorous shock to new acquaintances, most whom underestimated her age by a decade or two upon meeting her. Macil’s clear, youthful face was proof of Metrin’s timeless effectiveness. And now, thanks to Macil, so many loyal Metrin users are living proof as well.
Our Promise
For over 95 years, Metrin has, and will continue to deliver results – healthy, youthful and beautiful glowing skin for a lifetime – to our new customers and devotees alike. We do so by carrying on the legacy of the original skin care program and products developed in 1932 and by helping our customers enjoy the wonderful benefits of the Metrin Skincare.
Our customers demand and trust us to maintain the integrity of the product formulation and the skin care program because it works. We take their trust seriously and feel extremely privileged to serve the skin care needs of our customers, their families, and their friends. We value the life-long relationships we build with our customers and take great joy in helping them look and feel their best.
Present Day
Today, Metin products are sold world-wide to men and women who want to keep their skin as youthful appearing as they feel. It’s done without high pressure ads or wild claims. People of all ages buy Metrin Skincare because Metrin has over 95 years of proof that it works